Manali to Rohtang Taxi

Manali To Rohtang Pass Taxi Service  for guests, couples and tourists with their families. The taxi services at Manali are booked with norms and conditions of Taxi union. We provide safe taxi services in Manali with best drivers who are suitable for sight seeing and attractions at Manali.

Manali To Rohtang Pass Taxi –  Manali Traveller on this page travelers can get best deals on cab booking from Manali To Rohtang La as well as get taxi fare/cost details from Manali To Rohtang Pass Taxi Service. Manali Taxi services available for all cab types, Economical, AC, Non AC and luxury. Select for a range of options on Manali To Rohtang Pass Taxi Service such as Manali Rohtang Pass sight seeing and Manali Rohtang Taxi full day cab Booking. routes information and online booking help.

Book Economy, Budget, and Luxury cars online, receive offers and discounts, and know about cab availability. Compare the prices of various budget luxury and economy cabs and select from a variety of options available online. Taxi from Manali to Rohtang Pass can be booked online. Online car reservation from Manali to Rohtang Pass Taxi Service. Online car reservation from Manali to Rohtang Pass Taxi Service. Car hire to Rohtang Pass available online on Manali Traveller provides cab with reliable service in economy/cheapest price.

Things To Note For Visiting Rohtang Pass

  • Rohtang Pass is closed for tourists on Tuesdays.
  • Only limited vehicles are allowed per day.
  • You Need to Book your cab in Advance.
  • will take care of permits
  • Manali – Rohtang Pass Route (distance: 51 KMs).
  • Rohtang Pass as well as Snow Point are not well equipped ski station.

Located at a height of 3979 metres and at a distance of 51 kms from Manali, Rohtang Pass is on the highway to Keylong/Leh. In winters, the There is a waterfall named as Rahala, which is located at a distance of 16 kms from Manali on the way to Rohtang Pass. This waterfall flows down from an altitude of 2,500 metres and looks amazingly wonderful. Photography buffs must visit this pass as they get to click one of the most beautiful pictures of nature. It is recommended to hire a local cab or take a bus, as the drive to Rohtang Pass becomes quite tough with slippery road and narrow curves.

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